Female Masturbation Tips

Monday, July 14, 2014
Now I'm going to talk about masturbation. Nice girls don't do that? What? In reality, they do and enjoy it. But there is a lot of myth around female masturbation. They say it can cause insomnia, blindness, mental problem, lack of concentration, and so on. What a load of rubbish.

Masturbation is the most natural thing in the world, whether you are single, married, or a teen. The thing is sexual myth prevents women from having sexual pleasure, from getting aroused, and having a great orgasm. This is absolutely ridiculous because they could really have an enjoyable time.

So here is a few hints and tips to help you on your way:

First of all find a quite, private place to relax after a bath or a shower. Undressed in front of a full mirror, carefully examine your body as if you were seeing yourself for the very first time. Move around see how your body curves, notice how special you are. I say special, not perfect. Focus on your best points. Maybe your boobs, thighs, face, legs.

Now you find out how special you are, take time to look at your genital area. If you don't know very much about this you can get a picture to find out exactly which bit is which. Make yourself comfortable, use a hand mirror.

When you are comfortable looking at yourself in front of the camera then you can feel your genital area. Put your hands down and touch all the different parts. Remember the sensation, remember how it feels, remember what feels good. Make sure you are in a comfortable warm place, and in private. So you can actually touch, feel, caress, stroke, and use different pressure to work out what really feels good for you. It may take a long time before you come to orgasm like this, but the more you practice, and the more you do it, the better it would be.

You can also use a lubricant if you want to, to help the sensation and stop the irritation. So what I would say to you is explore and enjoy. Once you master the art of masturbation by yourselves than this can be a shared pleasure with your partner. If you try my hints and tips, and you still haven't been able to reach an orgasm then maybe you'd like to try something else.

What about vibrator?
There are a lot of these around all in different shapes and sizes. And I'm reliably informed that you wouldn't be the only person in the planet that use it. Because all the 50% of women either have one or use one. You can also try visual stimulation by watching DVDs at home, or magazines. Whatever you decide to do relax and enjoy.