Where is The Female G Spot located? How To Find It?

Wednesday, July 2, 2014
The G spot is one of the most sensitive part of a woman's body and can be the cause of an intense mind blowing orgasm. The problem is it is not always the easiest thing to find. In this article I'm going to explain how to find the g spot in any woman so that you are able to blow her mind with crazy clitoral orgasms.

First it always important to say that you should always use plenty of lube and make sure your hands are clean and your finger nails are well trimmed.

The inside of a woman's vagina is very sensitive and un-kept hands can feel quite uncomfortable to her.

So now let's move on on how to actually find the g spot:
The easiest way to find the g spot is to have the girl lie on her back, then insert either one or two fingers inside her vagina 1-2 inches and press up on the front wall. You are looking for either a wrinkled or a ridged area compared to the smooth area around it.

Bear in mind, at rest the G spot will be completely flat, but as she becomes more and more aroused the G spot will become more pronounced and become easier to find. If you can't find it on your first few tries, don't get frustrated I assure you it's there. It just takes a little practice. Once you find it, now you need to know the proper way to stimulate it.